Sunday, November 30, 2008


Do we really know where our values reside and whether they are values and not a hidden selfishness?

As I read today’s story I was in and out of support for the lady and her tale of emotional turmoil. But why would I swap and be with her one moment then opposing her another?

These are the challenges we face every day. It is a case of structuring a formula that sees the dilemma and resolves it. Wisdom and Philosophy being the structure of course. Rather than work out an explanation and determine the ultimate answer, with the intensity and quality that Wisdom can give you; you act from an inner sense and work out the explanation afterwards.

The story is entitled ‘Change’ but ultimately the lady isn’t going to change, so it could have easily been called ‘Not Changing’. I sense the lady is justifying her decision to go with her thoughts about life, but only she will know if it’s the right decision. The story has an immense value as it appears to explain how we approach every daily dilemma. We see it, we act … to read the full article, please follow this link:

Online Wisdom

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Self Development


Why do we choose to accept a first impression?

It seems that we have grown up with accepting them and therefore it becomes a habitual act. This accepting a habitual act alone proves how many other aspects of our life can be clouded by judgements made from assumptions.

Is accepting a first impression actually the first impression? More often than not it is the second impression. The first impression is a gut feeling that we discard incorrectly.

I was out shopping with the family over the weekend and

Monday, November 10, 2008

How to Solve Problems

 We solve problems by dipping into our knowledge and experience and producing an answer.
 Most adults will have the chance of experience as it happens directly in front of them each day. As for knowledge few choose to gather any more; as a consequence they will always be disadvantaged.
 To search for knowledge need not be tiresome, in a day of MEASURE there is always room for study.
 A measured day equals a measure life. Measure allows abundance to flow and happiness to flourish.

To read the full article please follow this link:

Words of Wisdom

Friday, November 7, 2008

100 Self Esteem Tips


First it is important to understand the exact meaning of ‘Self-Esteem’. The Oxford English Dictionary definition is:

“One’s good opinion of one-self.”

What in essence we are trying to achieve with these 100 ways is to trigger a way back to a happy and contented state of mind.

Many people, and the psychology profession wouldn’t be able to survive without them, use the process of improving SELF-ESTEEM as an important step to the development of feeling good about one-self again.

This pathway back to a ‘good sense of worth’ may not be achieved with these 100 ways alone, but we can assure you that you will have been elevated sufficiently to see what’s required next.

Allow me to just illustrate with a little story how we underestimate our worth: … to read the full article, please follow this link:

100 Self Esteem Tips

Solving Problems


For you; what is a problem? Is a problem just another noose around your neck, or is it a blessing in disguise?

I guess the appropriate answer is how you perceive it to be. That perception is generally determined by the emotion you’re in at that moment.

A change in perception can change the whole view of a problem. Today’s story illustrates the same principle but calls it an adjustment in attitude.

As a few small problems seem to follow on from each other, is this not a sign that you’re not fully in control? You’re beginning to drift into the wrong emotion and no amount of effort will prevent further calamities.

We cannot prevent this shift of emotion, but we can ... to read the full article, please follow this link:

Wisdom Online

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama's Victory - Good or Bad?

Politicians are notorious for breaking promises, but in Obama’s defense he does look both sincere and honest. As a ’white’ person I’m all for powerful speeches and words that change the world. I wish him all the best, yet he will be in for a rough ride I am sure.


Martin Luther’s famous quote “… I have a dream … that some day our children will be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character … “


Obama has some big footprints to follow. On November 5th 2008 I hope his wisdom and philosophies transform both the US and the World.


For more Wisdom, please follow this link:


Leadership Wisdom

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

First Impressions v Intuition

To improve our self development we need introduce a goodness that prevents the proverbial first impression being accepted. Making assumptions means that you are taking risks, and taking risks causes heartache and problems.
When you first see a tramp you show immediate empathy and sorrow; and only then do you put up your guard and make the recognizable ‘first impression’.
The more you assume the more you are making decisions without the full facts. This leads to inaccuracies in your life; you’ll be continually going over ground you’ve already trodden.

To read the full article, please follow this link: Intuition

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wisdom Short Story

Here is your Thursday STORY on:


Often the big fear with CHANGE is the position it leaves you in. It may result in your respect being lost, your house, your job or your standing in the community. If we put too much of a value on these, then the change is feared most.

At the end of the day these do have value, but what about your health, your smile and all the other values?

We can often forget that in reality our health has more priority than our house. If we lose our house, we haven’t lost our health, our depth of character, our smile, our honesty and our integrity. We can always get another house, but we can’t always get our health fully back to its original state.

Rather than see a change as the end, the sorrowful and pitiful, the miserable and frustrating; and ultimately wallow in this sadness and wonder what to do. We should realise that with every end there is a new beginning. We should forget all the pity, forget all the need for consolation and allow this period of sadness to end too. We should SEE a chance to start again, start over. What better position can we be in, if we’ve experienced the troubles that has caused an ENDING, we’ll be aware of the pitfalls and avoid them in our new beginning.

Sometimes as we stay with the moral high ground and find we suffer as a consequence, is it not the case that we’re obviously putting too much value in the sufferance?

If you stick with your good morals and for some reason you go down one rung of the ladder, why have you suffered? You haven’t suffered, what you have done is chose to give value to the subject that’s taken you down the rung of the ladder. It may have been the house you lost, when you should have considered that although the house has gone your health and fit mind remains intact.

More often than not it isn’t what happens in life that is the problem it is how we perceive it upon our lifestyle. If we adjust our view, we can get back on track.

Today’s story is the perfect illustration of keeping the moral high ground and at first thinking you’ve suffered a loss; but with due consideration the values had been wrong until you’d reconsidered.


After a workshop, Paul (that's not his real name) said that he still has 10-year-old scars from the time he quit a good job rather than lie. When his boss asked him to issue a press release containing patently false statements, he refused, putting his employee badge on the table.

His boss calmly handed the badge back to him saying, "Think this over. Why throw away a good job and a promising career?"

Paul walked out so frustrated and frightened, he had to find a private place to cry. What's worse, he said that his act of moral courage was a meaningless waste. Someone else issued the press release and his boss's career flourished. "It took me years to find a job as good as that one and my family suffered," he added. "So, what good did my integrity do for anyone?"

Paul was looking for validation of his principled stance in the wrong places. We exercise integrity not to get what we want, but to be what we want. Integrity is not essentially about winning; it's about staying whole and being worthy of self-respect and the esteem of loved ones. It's about being honourable, not as a success strategy, but a life choice. Though Paul suffered for a time because of his moral courage, he would have suffered far worse had he betrayed his own values.

While he didn't appreciate it, Paul preserved for himself and his family something far more valuable than his job -- his honour. And it's no accident that he now has a better job with no pressures to cheat or lie.

(Michael Josephson, Speaker and Radio Commentator)

QUOTE: “It is not financial wealth one asks for, but just enough to preserve one’s dignity, to work unhampered, to be generous, frank and independent.”

(W. Somerset Maugham, ‘Of Human Bondage’, 1915)

Wisdom and Philosophy

How to be Happy